Chris Lemmon...
spanning over forty years, Chris Lemmon has starred in over twenty-five feature films, including “JUST THE TICKET”, “LENA'S HOLIDAY” and “THAT'S LIFE”. He’s starred in television series for all major networks, including “KNOT'S LANDING” (CBS), “THUNDER IN PARADISE” (Reisher), “STUDIO 59” (ABC), “BROTHERS & SISTERS” (NBC), and most notably Fox's highly acclaimed network-launching situation comedy “DUET”. He graduated California Institute of the Arts with degrees in classical piano and composition, as well as a degree in the theatrical arts, and went on to appear in numerous stage productions, including the west-coast tour of “BAREFOOT IN THE PARK”, directed by the late Jerry Paris, the original award winning west coast production of “SHAY” by Anne Commire, and the highly successful “LOVE LETTERS” with Stephanie Zimbalast. He currently resides in New England where he writes and produces feature films and television. His memoir, “A Twist Of Lemmon” was published Father’s Day 2006. He recently wrote, produced, and hosted the Sony Documentary “Magic Time”, and has just finished his newest award-winning documentary, “Day By Day”, for which he also wrote the musical score. He is preparing his original feature film “Publicity Stunt” for production, and is currently touring his one man stage show, based on his music and his book “Twist of Lemmon”.

With A Career...